Our FREE & OPEN program for anyone with physical/mental disabilities or special needs

What is the WE ALL PLAY Program?

We All Play is an all-inclusive, all-ability soccer program designed for players with mental and/or physical disabilities.

The program focuses on developing physical literacy while engaging in fun soccer activities. It offers valuable opportunities for social interaction, physical and cognitive development, and community engagement.

The We All Play program is 100% FREE and open to all!

Program Details

This program will have 3 total sessions throughout the Summer Season. 

Session 1: June 28 @ 2pm Rocky Lake Jr High

Session 2: July 26 @ 2pm Rocky Lake Jr High

Session 3: August 30 @ 2pm Rocky Lake Jr High

▾ more info below ▾

To register for We All Play please email registration@suburbanfc.ca

How Much Does This Cost?

  • FREE


Summer Session 1: June 28 @ 2pm Rocky Lake Jr High

Summer Session 2: July 26 @ 2pm Rocky Lake Jr High

Summer Session 3: August 30 @ 2pm Rocky Lake Jr High

**Note: Practice Days are determined by field availability and league games there for the anticipated days are subject to change.**

Once registration closes, please refer to your individual TeamSnap account where you will find all up-to-date schedule details - times, play days, and locations. A TeamSnap walkthrough could be found below which outlines the check-in process as well as other features. 

TeamSnap Tutorial - CLICK HERE 


This program is led by Ioan Florean and supported by technical trainers and volunteer coaches. All coaches are part of Suburban FC's Coach Development Program.


Parent and Player Requirements

Players and parents must abide by the Policies and Procedures of the club.

What happens if there is bad weather and field closures? 

** Unfortunately due to time constraints, there will be no make-up sessions or pro-rated refunds due to poor weather / field closure. Field closures and extreme weather conditions are beyond our control. We will always strive to ensure that programming is offered when we have access to fields and it does not jeopardize the safety of our players. Any cancellations will be clearly communicated via TeamSnap.  **


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