Why choose Recreational?

Whether you're new to the sport and want to give it a try, or have some experience but don't wish to play at a competitive level, this program is perfect for you! The Recreational Program is designed for players who want to enjoy the game in a relaxed, fun environment while learning soccer.

This program is available for the following age groups:

U9/10/11/12 (C): 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016
U12 (B): 2013 
U13 (B): 2012
U15 (B): 2010 & 2011
U18 (B): 2007, 2008 & 2009

The U10/U12C Recreational programs are in-house programs, while the U12-U18 ‘B’ programs compete in the Community Division of the Nova Scotia Soccer League (NSSL).

more info below ▾

Program Details

U9/10C and U11/12C Community Program Details:

1x Weekly In-House Games (on Saturday)

  • This option is perfect for players who are new to the sport or prefer a relaxed, fun environment where they can play with friends once a week, without the commitment of the Nova Scotia Soccer League.

  • This program is solely game-play. Players seeking specific technical development and training should consider registering for the next step up (Skill Centre for U10/U11 or 'B' programs for U12).

  • The program features smaller teams, providing plenty of playing time for each participant.

  • Jerseys will be provided for players, and we ask that parents supply shorts, socks, and shin guards.

U12B, U13B, U15B and U18B Program Details:

1x Weekly Training + League Games (NSSL)

  • This program is designed for players who want to have fun but also wish to compete in the Nova Scotia Soccer League (NSSL). Players will train once a week and participate in league games in the NSSL 'B' Division.

  • Each player will need to purchase a training uniform and home game jersey from the website store. If you don't already have a jersey, you will need to have a number assigned to you. Email to request your jersey number. Please wait to order your jersey until you’ve received your assigned number.

How Much Does This Cost?

U9/10C and U11/12C cost: (Born in 2016/ 2015 / 2014 / 2013)


U12B, U13B, U15B and U18B cost: ( Born in 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010/ 2009 / 2008 / 2007)


Click here to see financial aid opportunities 

What Do The Fees Include?

  • Facility costs

  • Coaches - Lead and assistants

  • Registration with governing bodies (Soccer Nova Scotia & Canada Soccer)

  • Training Equipment

  • Administrative (operations, registration system, processing fees, etc.)

  • League Fees (games, facilities, administration, etc.)


This program is led by our Recreational Programs Manager and assisted by technical trainers and volunteer coaches. All coaches are a part of Suburban FC's Coach Development Program.  


Registration Closes:

  • U9/10C & U11/12C - May 26th, 2025

  • U12B / U13B / U15B / U18B - April 23rd, 2025

Start Date: 

  • U9/10C & U11/12C - week of June 1st, 2025

  • U12B / U13B / U15B / U18B - week of May 18th, 2025

Session Schedules:

The U9/10C & U11/12C program will run on Saturdays at Weir Field between 8am-10am up to the end of August *Subject to weather cancellations*

The U12B / U13B / U15B / U18B season will run until the end of August. Day/time TBD *Subject to weather cancellations*

League Game Days: (as scheduled by Nova Scotia Soccer League, additional days of the week may be used as a back-up)

  • U12B Girls - Monday/Wednesday

  • U12B Boys - Tuesday/Thursday

  • U13B Girls - Saturday/Wednesday

  • U13B Boys - Sunday/Tuesday

  • U15B Girls - Tuesday/Thursday

  • U15B Boys - Monday/Wednesday

  • U18B Girls - Monday/Wednesday

  • U18B Boys - Tuesday/Thursday

*Please note: details about exact times and locations will go out once the field bookings are confirmed by HRM.

Once registration closes, please refer to your individual TeamSnap account where you will find all up-to-date schedule details - times, play days and locations. A TeamSnap walkthrough could be found below which outlines the check-in process as well as other features. 

TeamSnap Tutorial - CLICK HERE 


U12 / U13 / U15 / U18 ‘B’ Level Players
Each player will need to purchase a training uniform and home game jersey from the website store. If you don't already have a jersey, you will need to have a number assigned to you. Email to request your jersey number. Please wait to order your jersey until you’ve received your assigned number.

C Program players will receive a jersey, shorts and socks. Uniforms must be picked up at the Suburban office between May 26th and May 30th. Details will be sent out by email after registration.

Need to Know

Schedules are subject to change based on facility availability. If location or time changes, communication will be sent out via TeamSnap.

Parent and Player Requirements

Players and parents must abide by the Policies and Procedures of the club.

What happens if there is bad weather and field closures? 

** Unfortunately due to time constraints, there will be no make-up sessions or pro-rated refunds due to poor weather / field closure. Field closures and extreme weather conditions are beyond our control. We will always strive to ensure that programming is offered when we have access to fields and it does not jeopardize the safety of our players. Any cancellations will be clearly communicated via TeamSnap.  **

Need Financial Assistance?

Opportunities for financial support available through KidSport > and Jumpstart >

Suburban FC is a non-profit soccer club and we strive to balance low program fees (as low as possible) with superior coaching and training opportunities. If our prices present a barrier for your player, we encourage you to contact Suburban FC at to discuss payment options.


Visit our FAQs or contact us directly